Problems with The Discipline of Economics

"Economics text-books create the mindsets, mindsets create the world. I think economics has mistreated this world. It got us into a lot of troubles and many human tragedies. For one thing seeds of poverty are planted firmly in the pages of economics text-books."    

Mohammed Yunus

James Carville, advisor to Bill Clinton once told him, "It's The Economy, Stupid". What a tragedy that in a world of hungry people, this could summarse of the concerns of any electorate, never mind one as overmonied and spiritually undernourished as that of the USA. One often unregarded technology is the money system itself. As the engine for most of their development, it is key to understanding the properties of modern technologies. It is often mistaken to be neutral in operation, but in fact its anonymity discourages altruism in favour of exploitative rent-seeking, whilst its centralization encourages undemocratic, large scale undertakings. We are working on an alternative, developing a non-zero sum, distributed economic system. Software for social credit, cyclos plus drupal, any better solution available ? Please, give us your advice, thank you.

Cyclos: OpenExpo-Report (Thomas Sam Wittich)
CH-Winterthur, Switzerland,
The software exposition OpenExpo took place in Winterthur from 24th to 25th Sept. 2008.
TopSoft was organizing this exposition. They cared very well for all participants providing free
food, drinks and coffee.
Besides conventional solutions of many IT-companies there was an area for Open-Source-
Projects only.
Mich Wyser is a contributor to the German speaking Cyclos-Support-Network from Switzerland.
He managed the signing up for Cyclos as a innovative software project. As a result, a stall has
been sponsored by the organisers. Like most of the open-source projects, we shared our stand
with the very interesting hardware and low-level-sofware project 'Coreboot'.
The OpenExpo offered the opportunity for contacting other software projects. Two of them,
Drupal and SQL-Ledger, have already been considered for cooperation by the cyclos
development team.
Drupal is a well known community-orientated CMS. It can make use of OpenID, which is a free,
open-source based single sign on system (to sign in in many different Drupals with just one and
the same account).
Further, in Drupal exists a module named 'Marketplace' – a small implementation of a market
place with the ability to make payments from drupal-member to member. I contacted Matthew
Slater, the author of the tool, to ask him for a module for Drupal providing a cyclos market place
Similar was the contact to Typo3. SinceThomas Waggershauer has already announced a
market place module for Typo3, there was the chance to introduce each other. For instance,
shortly spoke with Robert Lemke, project leader of Typo3's complete write-it-from-the-scratch
branch (Version 5.0). Oliver Hader, a core developer, showed interest for the cyclos project,
since another core developer, Ingmar Schlecht generally is close to the German Regional
Money Movement.
SQL-Ledger, a free webbased accounting / book keeping Software with an ERP within,
surprised with a cash- and PoS-solution. This contact was particularly interesting because SQLLedger
has been potential cooperation partner for Hugo van der Zee. Cyclos needed a solution
for a similar paydesk / office-desk-scenario (Solution within upcoming version 3.5)
Due to its uncommon, non-technical background Cyclos was one of the highlights of the opensource
section. Social money, accouting and transaction of compelementary currencies and its
commitment to NPO's / NGO's has been quite exotic for most 'hackers' at the OpenExpo and
was therefore very attractive.
The Cyclos-DEMO-CD was well received. Mich Wyser and Thomas Wittich produced it for the
OpenExpo. The two sponsors RegioSTAR e.G. and Sunflower Foundation supported the
Further interesting discussions took place with the projects eGroupware, Ingres, Limbas.
The very impressive presentation of the Apache Softwware Foundation (ASF) – probably the
world's largest foundation for free and open-source software – explained the structure and
organisation of such an incredible initiative. The core community has 2,000 people world wide.
Countless others work on the code of this project as well.


According to the post-autistic economics movement, "more and more, economists are realizing that a well- functioning economy cannot rely only on self-interest; it also depends on a culture that includes taking into account the common good" 1.

Avec mes meilleures salutations.

François de Siebenthal
à faire circuler largement, merci, le monde est déjà meilleur grâce à ce simple geste de solidarité.
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