À l’initiative de trois importantes organisations évangéliques, The Center for Public Justice (États-Unis), Cardus (Canada) et The Kirby Laing Institute for Christian Ethics (Royaume Uni), 68 dirigeants, théologiens et professeurs évangéliques ont signé, le 27 juillet dernier, l’appel « Doing the Truth in Love : an evangelical call for response to Caritas in Veritate », invitant leur coreligionnaires à répondre avec enthousiasme à l’appel qu’a lancé Benoît XVI dans sa dernière encyclique.
On trouvera ici le texte intégral de cet appel – qui mériterait d’être entièrement traduit. En voici les tout premiers paragraphes.
« Les récents événements survenus globalement, nous ont éveillés à l’importance d’une réflexion chrétienne soutenue sur la nature et le but de la vie économique, à la fois dans nos sociétés et dans les autres régions du monde. Par conséquent et en tant que protestants évangéliques nous applaudissons la publication de Caritas in Veritate du pape Benoît XVI.
Nous appelons les chrétiens partout où ils se trouvent, et tout particulièrement nos confrères évangéliques de l’hémisphère Nord, à lire, à travailler et à répondre à Caritas in Veritate qui identifie le double appel à l’amour et à la vérité dans nos vies de citoyens, d’entrepreneurs, de travailleurs et, plus fondamentalement, chez les disciples du Christ que nous sommes. (…)
Nous recommandons la manière dont cette encyclique envisage le développement économique comme authentique chemin pour l’épanouissement de l’homme.
Doing the Truth
- Adel Abadeer, Associate Professor of Economics, Calvin College (Grand Rapids, MI)
- Roy Berkenbosch, Director, Micah Center, King's University College (Edmonton, AB)
- Elwil Beukes, Professor of Economics, The King's University College (Edmonton, AB)
- Daniel K. Bourdanné, General Secretary, International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (Oxford, UK)
- James Bradley, Professor of Mathematics & Statistics Emeritus, Calvin College (Grand Rapids, MI)
- Paul Brink, Associate Professor of Political Studies, Gordon College (Wenham, MA)
- Joe Carter, Web Editor, First Things (Manassas, VA)
- Jonathan Chaplin, Director, Kirby Laing Institute for Christian Ethics (Cambridge, UK)
- J. Daryl Charles, Director and Senior Fellow, Bryan Institute for Critical Thought & Practice (Dayton, TN)
- Richard Cizik, President, The New Evangelicals (Washington, DC)
- Bruce J. Clemenger, President, Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (Markham, ON)
- Javier Comboni, Jean & E. Floyd Kvamme Professor of Political Economy, Wheaton College (Wheaton, IL)
- Justin D. Cooper, President, Redeemer University College (Ancaster, ON)
- Paul R. Corts, President, Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (Washington, DC)
- Janel Curry, Byker Chair in Christian Perspectives on Political, Social, and Economic Thought, Calvin College (Grand Rapids, MI)
- Calvin B. DeWitt, Professor of Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison (Madison, WI)
- Brian Dijkema, Labour Activist (Ottawa, ON)
- Joel Edwards, International Director, Micah Challenge (London, UK)
- Jacob P. Ellens, Vice President, Academic, Redeemer University College (Ancaster, ON)
- Bruce Ellis Benson, Professor of Philosophy, Wheaton College (Wheaton, IL)
- Janet Epp Buckingham, Director, Laurentian Leadership Centre (Ottawa, ON)
- James Featherby, Fellow, London Institute for Contemporary Christianity (London, UK)
- Harry Fernhout, President, The King's University College (Edmonton, AB)
- Brian T. Fikkert, Associate Professor of Economics & Community Development, Covenant College (Lookout Mountain, GA)
- Richard L. Gathro, Dean, Nyack College (Washington, DC)
- Ivy George, Professor of Sociology and Social Work, Gordon College (Wenham, MA)
- Michael W. Goheen, Geneva Professor of Worldview and Religious Studies, Trinity Western University (Langley, BC)
- Bob Goudzwaard, Emeritus Professor of Economics and Cultural Philosophy, Free University of Amsterdam (Netherlands)
- Andy Hartropp, Research Tutor in Development Studies, Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (Oxford, UK)
- Peter S. Heslam, Transforming Business, University of Cambridge (Cambridge, UK)
- John Hiemstra, Dean, Faculty of Social Science, The King's University College (Edmonton, AB)
- Roland Hoksbergen, Professor of Economics and International Development, Calvin College (Grand Rapids, MI)
- Dennis Hoover, Vice President for Research and Publications, Institute for Global Engagement (Washington, DC)
- Robert Joustra, Researcher, Cardus (Hamilton, ON)
- Timothy A. Kelly, Director, DePree Center Public Policy Institute (Pasadena, CA)
- David T. Koyzis, Professor of Political Science, Redeemer University College (Ancaster, ON)
- Tracy Kuperus, Associate Professor, International Development Studies, Calvin College (Grand Rapids, MI)
- Jamie McIntosh, Executive Director, International Justice Mission Canada (London, ON)
- Ruth Melkonian-Hoover, Assistant Professor of Political Studies, Gordon College (Wenham, MA)
- George N. Monsma, Jr., Professor of Economics, Emeritus, Calvin College (Grand Rapids, MI)
- Stephen V. Monsma, Research Fellow, The Henry Institute, Calvin College (Grand Rapids, MI)
- Richard Mouw, President, Fuller Theological Seminary (Pasadena, CA)
- Bryant L. Myers, Professor of International Development, Fuller Theological Seminary (Pasadena, CA)
- David K. Naugle, Professor of Philosophy, Dallas Baptist University (Dallas, TX)
- David Neff, Editor in Chief, Christianity Today (Carol Stream, IL)
- Ray Pennings, Director of Research, Cardus (Calgary, AB)
- Michael Pollitt, Reader in Business Economics, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge (U.K.)
- Dan Postma, Managing Editor, Comment Magazine (Hamilton, ON)
- Vinoth Ramachandra, Author, Subverting Global Myths (Colombo, Sri Lanka)
- Jonathan S. Raymond, President, Trinity Western University (Langley, BC)
- Paul W. Robinson, Director, Human Needs and Global Resources Program, Wheaton College (Wheaton, IL)
- Duncan Roper, Former Professor of Mathematics, University of Western Sydney (now resident of Martinborough, NZ)
- Michael Schluter, Chairman, Relationships Foundation International (Cambridge, UK)
- Chris Seiple, President, Institute for Global Engagement (Washington, DC)
- Timothy Sherratt, Professor of Political Studies, Gordon College (Wenham, MA)
- Ronald J. Sider, President, Evangelicals for Social Action (Philadelphia, PA)
- James W. Skillen, President, Center for Public Justice (Washington, DC)
- John G. Stackhouse, Jr., Sangwoo Youtong Chee Professor of Theology and Culture, Regent College (Vancouver, BC)
- Glen Harold Stassen, Lewis B. Smedes Professor of Christian Ethics, Fuller Theological Seminary (Pasadena, CA)
- Elaine Storkey, President, Tearfund (London, UK)
- Alan Storkey, Economist (Cambridge, UK)
- Gideon Strauss, President (designate), Center for Public Justice (Washington, DC)
- Robert Sweetman, Academic Dean and Acting President, Institute for Christian Studies (Toronto, ON)
- Steven Timmermans, President, Trinity Christian College (Palos Heights, IL)
- Michael Van Pelt, President, Cardus (Hamilton, ON)
- Jim Wallis, President, Sojourners (Washington, DC)
- Alissa Wilkinson, Associate Editor, Comment Magazine (Brooklyn, NY)
- Paul Williams, David Brown Family Chair of Marketplace Theology and Leadership, Regent College (Vancouver, BC)
July 27, 2009 Signatories’ affiliations are listed for identification purposes only, and do not necessarily reflect institutional endorsement.
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