Benoît Ouellet from Canada.

François de Siebenthal from Switzerland

MM. Benoît Ouellet & François de Siebenthal, , are working in Doha, Qatar, during the meeting ” freedom of expression” for the newspaper ” www.Versdemain.org ” and the institution  ” Louis Even”  based in Canada since 1939.
Our newspaper is published in 4 languages, ( French, English, Spanish and Polish )
We have more than 50’000 paying subscribers all over the world and millions of people connected in a way or an other.
Benoît Ouellet is working in Canada.
François de Siebenthal is based in Switzerland, in Lausanne near Geneva.
He is acting in all continents since years as a lecturer, formator, reporter and writer, researcher, and producer of films which can be seen on youtube, vimeo, dailymotion among others. 


Donner à chacun ce qui lui est dû par un dividende social à tous!
à faire circuler largement, merci, le monde est déjà meilleur grâce à ce simple geste de solidarité.
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