Le gouvernement russe veut rendre l’économie conforme aux préceptes de l’Église orthodoxe.
Moscou — La Russie, inspirée par le succès de la finance islamique, veut lancer des services financiers conformes aux principes de la religion orthodoxe, au moment où elle se trouve isolée des marchés occidentaux par les sanctions liées à la crise ukrainienne.
« Grâce au [président américain Barack]
Obama et à la crise, nous avons réalisé que nous ne pouvions pas compter sur le système financier occidental et sommes obligés de créer notre propre système financier, indépendant des institutions occidentales », a déclaré lundi Dmitri Lioubomoudrov, un des promoteurs de cette initiative lors d’une conférence de presse à Moscou.
« Similaire à la finance islamique, la finance orthodoxe[…]
invite les entrepreneurs orthodoxes qui veulent se protéger dans des conditions de crise », a ajouté l’entrepreneur, membre de la Chambre du Commerce et d’Industrie de Russie.
Également présent, le porte-parole de l’Église orthodoxe russe, Vsevolod Tchapline, a appelé à des « mécanismes qui ne sont pas basés sur l’intérêt assimilé à l’usure ». À l’instar de la finance islamique, la nouvelle structure financière interdira à ses membres les prêts avec intérêt ainsi que tout investissement dans les activités non conformes à la morale orthodoxe, dont les jeux ou le tabac. De hauts représentants de l’épiscopat de l’Église orthodoxe russe formeront un Conseil de surveillance de la finance orthodoxe.
Pour les initiateurs, « 400 millions de roubles réunis par une dizaine de personnes juridiques ou physiques seront largement suffisants pour lancer ce système », selon leur projet présenté dans un communiqué. « La finance orthodoxe se base non seulement sur la législation mais aussi sur la morale orthodoxe », ajoute le texte.
La finance islamique, qui prohibe l’intérêt assimilé à l’usure, est actuellement en plein boom dans le monde, ayant doublé de volume en quatre ans à 2000 milliards de dollars…
aplin, Charlie, My Autobiography, Simon & Schuster, 1964
Charlie Chaplin and Social Credit
Most people have heard of Charlie Chaplin
(1889-1977), probably the most popular screen
comic of all times with his character of the tramp
that captivated audiences all over the world. But
did you know that Chaplin was in favor of Douglas’s
Social Credit? He mentioned it himself in
his autobiography, published in 1964:
“During the filming of City Lights, the stock
market crashed. Fortunately, I was not involved
because I had read Major C. H. Douglas’s Social
Credit, which analysed and diagrammed our
economic system… I was so impressed with
his theory that in 1928, I sold all my stocks and
bonds, and kept my capital fluid.”
On another page, Chaplin wrote: “I was discussing
Major Douglas’s book, Economic Democracy,
and said how aptly his credit theory
might solve the present world crisis.”
page 6….
Further Reading
Chaplin, Charlie, My Autobiography, Simon & Schuster, 1964
Chaplin also had a genius for many things besides filmmaking. According to his biographer, David Robinson, “he was particularly fascinated by economics.”
After reading “Social Credit,” by Major H. Douglas, Chaplin “was so impressed by its theory of the direct relationship of unemployment to failure of profit and capital” that he took growing U.S. unemployment as a warning and “in 1928 turned his stocks and bonds into liquid capital, and so [was] spared at the time of the Wall Street crash” of 1929.
In “Modern Times,” which he began filming in 1933, Chaplin anticipated the droll humor of Beckett’s “Waiting for Godot.” Two tramps on a park bench solemnly discuss the world economic crisis and their fears about going off the gold standard: “This means the end of our prosperity–we shall have to economize.”
In the 1930s and ’40s, the protean artist became a target for ultraconservatives who reviled his morals–all four of Chaplin‘s wives were teenagers when he married them, including two who were 16–as well as his left-wing politics.
During the McCarthy period, while on a trip to London for the 1952 world premiere of “Limelight” with his fourth wife, Oona (the daughter of Eugene O’Neill), and their children–the 63-year-old
Chaplin was barred by the U.S. attorney general from reentering the country. (He subsequently moved to Vevey, Switzerland, but returned in triumph in 1972, invited back by the Film Society of
Lincoln Center in New York.)
Many of the pictures in the Port’s mini-retrospective, “Between Laughter and Tears,” are readily seen on video. (“Limelight,” incidentally, has a scene with Buster Keaton, the only time the two greatest comedians of silent pictures appeared together, Robinson notes, “and the only time since 1916 that Chaplin had worked with a comic partner.”)
But this is a chance to catch Chaplin where he truly belongs–in a movie house on a screen that offers the proper treatment of his larger-than-life vitality and pathos.
– [ Traduire cette page ]
Names associated with Social Credit include Charlie Chaplin, William Carlos Williams, Ezra Pound, T. S. Eliot, Herbert Read, Aldous Huxley, Storm Jameson,… |
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