Next meetings are in 2017

Speaches, lectures and workshops were or are given by all participants, among others by a Cardinal ( 3 times ), + Bernard Agré, RIP +, The new cardinal who has been appointed Bishop of Mali Zerbo, followed a week of our study in Canada. Cardinal Philippe from Burkina Faso and Cardinal Jean-Pierre from Ivory Coast were created cardinal after coming to a week of study.

So we have 3 cardinals living Crediters and one in Heaven, many Bishops ( more than 70 from most continents) and Priests ( nearly 200 ), Mlle Thérèse Tardiff, Marcelle Caya, directresses, + Mme Diane Boucher, RIP, + , MM Marcel Lefevre, director, Alain Pilote, the main Professor, Yves Jaques, Renault Laillier, Yves Potvin, Benoît Ouellet, Carlos Reyes of Ecuador, + Stephen Zarlenga of USA, RIP +, François de Siebenthal. a swiss banker, some other bankers, even working in central banks of various countries and all pilgrims are interacting with all participants giving lectures, workshops etc… 

We fetch you at the airport. Rougemont is located 35 km east of Montreal,

on Highway 112, between Marieville and Saint-Césaire

Images intégrées 2

Tel: 514 856-5714

450 469-2209

1101, Principale St.
Rougemont, QC
Canada – J0L 1M0
Kind regards, yours sincerely

Tél: international ++ 41 21 616 88 88

The next free training session at the Social Credit and the social doctrine of the Church will take place in Rougemont in Canada in French with instant translation in English, Spanish and Polish, in
Rougemont in Canada

21 septembre au 28 septembre 2017
24 septembre- free pèlerinage
29 septembre : free apostolate

International Congrès in 4 languages at Rougemont in Canada

30 septembre 1er & 2 octobre 2017
You are invited & you can stay for free 2 or 3 weeks

The first inscriptions, we pay everything, tickets, visas, meals, rooms etc…

The others, we pay everything except the travel costs.
Rooms limited in number, hurry up !

Avec mes meilleurs salutations
Distinti saluti
Kind regards, yours sincerely

Nouvelle adresse: 23, Av. Edouard Dapples, CH 1006 LAUSANNE. SUISSE

Tél: international ++ 41 21 616 88 88

François de Siebenthal: Invitation: ‘Economic Democracy’ to Solve …

ROUGEMONT, Quebec—Social credit, best described as economic democracy, is seen by a growing number of people as the particular kind of economic reform …

François de Siebenthal: Four Horsemen of Apocalypse – Feature …

Here, in Switzerland, we have the direct democracy and to win, we need large … All this shows me is that you don’t truly understand why our economy fails.

Economic Democracy – P2P Foundation

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24 mars 2017 – Concept. From the Wikipedia: “Economic Democracy is a socioeconomic philosophy that suggests transfer of decision-making authority from a …

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