
En haut de la stèle déposée à l’une des entrées de l’usine, le mot TRAHISON a été gravé en lettres capitales dans le marbre, suivi de la phrase:

Ici reposent les promesses de changement de François Hollande faites aux ouvriers et à leurs familles.

Aulnay sous bois, Petit couronne, Continental…


Le traité européen de Lisbonne notamment:

Interdit les nationalisations puisque la règle est : la concurrence doit être libre et non faussée. 

Oblige d’emprunter à intérêts composés aux banquiers usuriers… qui créent les capitaux du néant, sic, voir les textes de M.  Maurice Allais sur ce blog…

Donc… Ils ne peuvent rien faire sauf vous mentir et vous trahir…

1000 français de plus chaque jour qu’on voit arriver à pôle emploi.
Plus d’une entreprise par jour est détruite.

Ils trichent les chiffres, faussent les balances, truquent les statistiques, la monnaie…

Les enfers fiscaux planifiés… et la pseudo chasse aux paradis fiscaux, la recherche de la mesquinerie et des minables…

Adieu les industries en France.

Aulnay sous bois, Petit couronne, Continental… seraient opérationnelles et profitables avec des milliers d’ouvriers si on commerçait simplement avec l’Iran…

L’Iran n’a jamais commencé de guerre depuis des siècles… on veut nous faire croire le contraire… et on planifie une guerre atroce…

Trahisons des c…

La seule solution, qui n’a pas jamais été essayée sérieusement en France, le capital social à la suisse, voir sur ce blog…

Quelques faits exemplaires:

Aux États-Unis par exemple, l’augmentation du prix de l’essence a engendré de graves problèmes sociaux, notamment par une diminution drastique du trafic routier.  

Les pays pauvres ne peuvent plus se payer le prix du pétrole pour leurs tracteurs, ce qui provoque des famines, aggravées par les pays riches qui produisent des bio-carburants avec des aliments….

Les revenus mondiaux se tournent de plus en plus vers de l’improductif spéculatif dangereux :
– Le marché des dérivés, selon la BRI à Bâle,  était déjà supérieur à 1 suivi de 15 zéros…
1 000000000000000 en 2008…, on dit quadrillion en anglais et la courbe est exponentielle. 
one thousand Trillion to make a Quadrillion… ). En 2011, plusieurs quadrillions, le chiffre est secret ou difficile à trouver……

Les prêts hypothécaires baissent, alors qu’il manque des logements…

Dans les pays pauvres, c’est plus dramatique. Les personnes meurent…


La masse monétaire M3 est devenue secrète aux USA. La plupart des commentateurs pariaient que c’était pour cacher une croissance devenue folle…

Et bien pas du tout, c’est pour cacher sa destruction volontaire…

En effet, les banques ferment les lignes de crédits notamment aux PME, ce qui aggrave la crise…

La FED, banque “centrale mais en mains privées” des USA qui travaille pour privatiser les gains et socialiser les pertes, est le bras armé de sociétés secrètes qui sucent le sang des honnêtes citoyens.
Tout est fait pour agrandir les écarts entre ceux qui ont toujours plus et ceux qui ont juste assez pour à peine survivre.
La réunion Bilderberg de début juin en UK va peaufiner leur nouvelle marotte, la Destruction Discrète de la Demande, alias 3D.
Ils veulent la crise pour de nombreuses raisons à leurs yeux toutes meilleures les unes que les autres, mais en fait ils sont aveuglés par leur cupidité maladive et leur soif du pouvoir qu’ils ne veulent plus partager, comme le Pharaon déjà qui avait donné l’ ordre de tuer tous les petits mâles Hébreux.

Bilderberg comes to Watford? The evidence.

Graceful sculpture in the gardens of the Grove Hotel

Graceful sculpture in the gardens of the Grove Hotel
By ADMIN Published: APRIL 12, 2013
There is growing evidence that this year’s Bilderberg conference will take place in the UK, at the luxury Grove Hotel, Hertfordshire, just north of Watford. This is still just speculation, but the signs are good…
Why do we think Bilderberg is taking place at the Grove?
The Grove Hotel, Herts

The Grove Hotel, Herts
The whole hotel – including three restaurants, a luxury spa and walled garden – is completely booked out by a private group from the 5th to the 9th of June. This was first spotted by an Italian documentary maker who is an expert on Bilderberg.
The Grove – “a private family-owned luxury hotel” – is no stranger to international conferences: it has previously hosted the exclusive Google Zeitgeist conference (in 2009, 2010 and 2012). And Google’s Chairman, Eric Schmidt is no stranger to Bilderberg.
Hotel staff have said that the booking has been made by a ‘major’ and ‘high profile’ group. The whole hotel is ‘out of bounds’ and ‘in lockdown’ for the duration. One member of staff said: ‘We don’t know what it is, senior staff know what it is but they won’t tell us.’ They first heard about this unusual event in January.
Hotel spa members, who have paid a yearly membership of £2400, are banned from accessing the luxury spa facilities from 2pm on Weds 5th June to 12pm on Sunday 9th June. They will get 5 days added at the end of their membership.
We were told by the nearby Fullerians Rugby Club, that it has taken an unusual booking from Herts Constabulary, who have booked the entire grounds and facilities for ten days – spanning the weekend of the conference. The rugby club has no idea what the booking is actually for. Could this be the base of operations for security during the event?
The diary of regular conference participant Neelie Kroes indicates that she will be in the UK over this weekend, plus the diary of the future King of the Netherlands and his mother, Queen Beatrix, is free between the 6th and the 9th. (The outgoing Queen Beatrix has long been one of the most prominent attendees).
This information corroborates a recent leak from a good source that the conference will take place in a ‘London suburb’ from the 6th-9th June.
The group is due a visit to England (they were last in England 36 years ago in Torquay, and met in Scotland in 1998).
This is the annual conference of the Bilderberg Group. Every year, the 35 members of the Steering Committee invite around 100 influential figures to attend the 3 day event. According to Bilderberg itself, the conference consists of: “nearly three days of informal and off-the-record discussion about topics of current concern especially in the fields of foreign affairs and the international economy”.
At the conference, officials from governments and opposition parties mix, in private, with banks bosses, heads of state, senior corporate officers, academics, and representatives of all the major international institutions (NATO, the EU, the IMF, the World Bank, the European Central Bank, the WTO etc.) Bilderberg insists that all participants attend in a private capacity – but in 2011, it was revealed that George Osborne attended the St Mortitz Bilderbergconference in his official capacity as Chancellor of the Exchequer.
If Bilderberg 2013 is in the UK, we can expect a return visit from George Osborne (a long time attendee) andBilderberg steering committee member Ken Clarke MP, and conference regular Lord Mandelson. It’s also likely that David Cameron and Mark Carney (the soon-to-be Bank of England governor) will pay visits (both have also attended Bilderberg in the past). We’ll also be seeing the CEOs and Chairmen of banks and corporations such as Barclays, HSBC, Santander, Nestlé, Novartis, Airbus, Microsoft and Goldman Sachs. Plus the usual smattering of senior US State Dept and Treasury officials, National Security Advisers, Finance Ministers, European royals, Pentagon top brass and the head of the NSA.
We expect the conference agenda in 2013 to include the North Korea situation, the Cyprus “bailout”, and the ever deepening crisis in the Eurozone.
To be clear: we have no final confirmation that Bilderberg is going to be located at the Grove Hotel, but from what we know of Bilderberg’s MO this set-up fits the bill. There are few other groups with the power and resources to shut down a major hotel for five days like this in conditions of such secrecy. Please check back on this website for updates.
At this stage, it’s up to you to weigh up the evidence, and decide if you think this year’s Bilderberg conference is indeed coming to Watford.
But if it is:
Watford is served by two tubes and an overland station. There are plenty of hotels and bed and breakfasts in the town and camping may be available nearby (please check updates on this website for details). There would also be a functioning press room for bloggers, journalists and filmmakers.
If Bilderberg does take place in Watford, we would urge citizen journalists, concerned citizens and interested parties to come along and witness a major international summit taking place. Enjoy the spectacle, meet new friends, and secure your souvenir picture of a Bilderberg participant gliding into the Grove’s grounds in a tinted limo.
Conference participants generally arrive from Thursday afternoon through to Friday morning and leave on Sunday morning (or late on Saturday).
Security is always extremely tight – it’s a huge operation – the hotel and its grounds is cordoned off. No press statement is made.
The privacy means that Bilderberg delegates will be able to stroll in peace in the ornamental gardens of the hotel, enjoying the wonderful, life-affirming art on display…
The hotel is near an idyllic canal, and glorious woods – and no other event or protest compares to Bilderberg for quality of roadside conversation. This year would also see the launch of the Bilderberg Fringe Festival.
Please check back on this website for scheduled events. If you have any queries (or can give us any confirmatory details) email us atbilderberg2013@yahoo.co.uk
If Watford does play host to Bilderberg, any help with organising the festival or acts who wish to perform, would be wonderful. People with technical expertise, bloggers, artists, filmmakers, photographers and entertainers would all be needed at this event. Bankers, lawyers, academics – even politicians – and any concerned citizens who believe in governmental transparency – should come too.
This is a powerful international summit, and it deserves the attention of the world’s media.
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