UBI seen from California
In Switzerland, a basic income initiative is pending to give each of
their 8 million citizens a guaranteed $2800 monthly wage. To mobilize
support for the initiative, a a performance was staged where a truck of
money was emptied into a city square, we look at the video and
initiative, and have fantasies of Scrooge McDuck on this Lip News with
Mark Sovel and Lissette Padilla.
money creation actually given to the bankers by billions or even
These quantative easings are to be given to the people, not for wars
or bonuses for the happy fews…Swiss Open Society to a real economical
democracy, let’s distribute the incomes from more and more automation,
thanks to robots, computers and machines.
A new society, animals are free, it’s our turn, let’s free human beings from the chains of serfdom.
productivity, a dividend for all swiss peoples, habitants of all the
States of the Swiss Confederation, a real economical democracy, thanks
to robots, computers and machines.
We, swiss, are all Kings, and the first duty of a King is to control the money creation,
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